How to Organize Successful Blood Donation Drives

How to Organize Successful Blood Donation Drives

Blood donation drives are incredibly important for hospitals and medical clinics to provide the care their patients need. Blood collected through these drives saves countless lives every year; this is because blood is needed for surgeries, trauma, cancer treatments,...
The Importance of Blood Donations

The Importance of Blood Donations

Every day, tens of thousands of people need donated blood and blood products to keep them healthy or even stay alive. Every year in the US alone, 21 million blood components are transfused: blood is needed every two seconds. For some, that would be enough to schedule...
World Blood Donor Day: How You Can Make a Difference

World Blood Donor Day: How You Can Make a Difference

Since June 14, 2005, World Blood Donor Day has aimed to raise global awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products for national health systems. This June 14, we encourage our community to donate blood in order to save lives, improve the health and the...
Pathogen Reduced Platelets

Pathogen Reduced Platelets

Every year, over 115 million units of blood are donated worldwide; this is especially critical because for patients who need a blood transfusion, there are no alternatives. In fact, in the US, upwards of 70% of the population will receive a blood donation at some...
Blood Donations Needed

Blood Donations Needed

SOUTH BEND, Ind—There is a nationwide blood crisis; the United States is experiencing a shortage of blood donations and the South Bend Medical Foundation is facing the same issue. Due in no small part to the coronavirus pandemic, collections are down and with recent...